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Almanara Shamba
November 1, 2020
Almanara Shamba

Organic Produce

At Almanara we take sustainability very seriously. We try our very best to be as self sufficient as possible, and our Shamba (local vegetable garden) is a perfect example of this. We grow a vast variety of produce from salads such as spinach, lettuce, rucola, alongside vegetables including aubergines, peppers, potatoes, fresh chilli's, cherry tomatoes and much more. We have also been planting some tasty fruits over the last few years and our orchard - which includes lemons, limes, oranges, banana's and passion fruit - are now mature and producing a great harvest each season. Our dedicated Shamba team work extremely hard at every stage of the journey, from planting in the nursery, to the management of the irrigation which comes from re-used rain water mixed with grey water from our bio-digester, all the way to the harvest. The produce is then used to supplement the ingredients that we use at both Almanara and Sails. Talk about farm to fork!