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Sustainable Water Consumption

Sustainable Water Consumption

As we all know, water is an extremely valuable resource and one that should be treated carefully, from way we consume it, to how we recycle and reuse it, and also how we dispose of it. Over the last year we have been working on a project that will ensure that we receive 100% of our water from our own wells on our sister property which is located 1.5km inland.

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Sand Island Sundays

We love a trip to the sand island, and never more so than when low tide falls perfectly on a Sunday morning. The quick and easy trip out to Robinson Sand Island, a beautiful secluded sand cay that pops out of the water a few times each month at low tide, is a trip that is loved both by the local residents and our regular guests.

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Turtle Hatching Update

We had another successful set of hatchlings during the month of March this year. The first eager turtles poked their heads out of the sand at around 4pm local time with tide still quite low and the water subsequently far from the nesting site. Nature & evolution was very much on display as they lay resting until the temperature cooled and the water was a lot closer to the shoreline. By around 5.30pm they began emerging from the nest. A handful of guests from Almanara were super lucky to be able to witness one of nature’s most magical spectacles.

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Diani Turtle Watch

Turtle Nest Relocation

As part of our ongoing efforts to support the local wildlife, Almanara works with Diani Turtle Watch a program which is part of Local Ocean Conservation which aims to protect the indigenous Sea Turtles along our coastline. Diani Turtle Watch has a team of 14 Turtle Monitors who cover the area from Waa to Funzi Island (+50km). The two main species that we have in the area are Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) and Hawksbill Turtles (Eretmochelys Imbricata).

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Almanara Shamba

At Almanara we take sustainability very seriously. We try our very best to be as self sufficient as possible, and our Shamba (local vegetable garden) is a perfect example of this. We grow a vast variety of produce from salads such as spinach, lettuce, rucola, alongside vegetables including aubergines, peppers, potatoes, fresh chilli’s, cherry tomatoes and much more. We have also been planting some tasty fruits over the last few years and our orchard – which includes lemons, limes, oranges, banana’s and passion fruit – are now mature and producing a great harvest each season.

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